Living legacies

Funeral Costs

Funeral Costs

Some funeral costs are fixed and quantifiable in advance. Others depend on circumstances such as location, timing, and factors of personal choice, so this is just a guide.

Living Legacies consultation fee is $100 per hour, plus mileage at IRD rates and any other expenses incurred. For some families one hour may be enough and they can go ahead and arrange a funeral themselves. Others may prefer more ongoing support over days or weeks.

Living Legacies workshops are $50 per person or $80 per couple, plus travel expenses if outside Motueka.

A Living Legacies pine coffin (untreated, unlined, undecorated) is currently $950. Please see the Coffins page for details.

The cost of natural burials varies from council to council and is generally around $2500 – $5000. Contact your local provider for details in advance.

The cost of cremations also varies between providers and is generally around $500 – $1000. Contact your local cremation provider for details in advance.

​Other fixed costs may include: a Doctor’s Certificate of Causes of Death, a Death Certificate from Births, Deaths and Marriages, and legal fees for administration of the deceased’s estate.

Optional costs can include:

  • Funeral venue hire
  • Funeral celebrant
  • Funeral catering
  • Flowers
  • Hearse
  • Death Notices in newspapers
  • Live streaming of the funeral
  • Online obituaries