Living legacies

Linking Legacies

​Linking Legacies

Environment and Conservation

“The soul would have no rainbow
had the eye no tears.

“Our lives will be remembered
by the gifts we leave our children.”

How it came about….


  • Everyone in New Zealand needs to see “The gift of Life,” the Organ Donation website.
  • The Natural Death Centre in Britain is an excellent source of ideas and information about simple and natural funerals.
  • Final Passages in California has a wonderfully human, heart-based website.
  • Memorial Ecosystems in South Carolina aims “to harness the funeral industry for land protection and restoration…. and to provide a less expensive and more meaningful burial option.” They also have a very comprehensive and informative website.
  • Preserve your legacy of values. Find out about Ethical Wills.
  • Explore The Funeral Consumers Alliance, an American non-profit organisation dedicated to a consumer’s right to choose a meaningful, dignified, affordable funeral.
  • Caring for our own at death. Crossings are “renewing simplicity and sanctity at the transition time of death”.

Other interesting sites

  • The vision of The Natural Step Environment Foundation Aotearoa New Zealand is a society in balance with nature.
  • Friends of the Earth International is a federation of autonomous environmental organisations worldwide that campaign on urgent social and ecological issues.
  • An extensive source of useful links (including central and regional government and academic institutions) and other information is the Environmental Defence Society, a New Zealand-based environmental advocacy organisation.
  • ECO is New Zealand’s network of groups that share a concern for the environment.
  • ATLA (Appropriate Technology for Living Association Inc) aims to promote environmentally sustainable alternative technologies and healthy lifestyles.
  • The Burial and Cremation Act 1964

We wish you good journeys…